Muay Thai
Muay Thai Events Calendar
The most comprehensive month-by-month calendar of the best muay thai events around the world, including the biggest fights in Thailand.
Muay Thai Training Plan: 8 Weeks to Fight-Ready
With our introduution to Muay Thai fight-ready training plans, you'll learn how to train like a professional athlete.
10 Best Muay Thai Training Camps in Thailand
Diamond Muay Thai’s list of the best Muay Thai Training Camps in Thailand. From Chiang Mai to Phuket, discover the perfect place to train in Thailand.
The 5 Phases of a Muay Thai Fight
Fights in the ring are broken down into five stages. Here we explain how the Wai Kru and the five rounds of a Muay Thai fight play out.
How to Choose the Right Weight Class in Muay Thai
If you’re a competitive fighter, you’re probably already familiar with the concept of weight classes. But if you’re new to Muay Thai, you might be a little confused